
Go Big or Go Bust: Day 42 (hilarious no-budget therapy with Bob Newhart)

I've been getting such encouragement from you and it means the world to me. "Keep at it!"  Eric DM'd me.  "It's good!" Max said. "Keep going on" Véro emailed. "You're going to explode!" Bill wrote (and, from the context, I could tell he meant in a good way). 

But even with this kind of frankly amazing support, sometimes you need a professional to give you a boost. Many of us have been in therapy to try and keep at it. Cathy Crosky, a coach whose specialty is leadership and organizational transformation, also coaches regular people who just need to get organized or to get a little more assertive. She recommended this video which addresses the pandemic of dis-ease we all suffer from. And it's HILARIOUS.  Enjoy. 

Go Big or Go Bust: Day 9 (on Maria Bamford and transparency)

If you're not aware of Maria Bamford, you're MISSING OUT.  Maria Bamford is a rare and beautiful example of someone who manages to make emotional honesty (*personal transparency*) look not only desirable but FUN.   Watch this (80 sec) VIDEO and lemme know if you agree. 

My plan is to stick closer to life as I know it in the videos about getting The Louise Log out to the world- but it's great to have Maria Bamford's inspiration to tell the darn truth.