If you're reading this, you're probably aware that I have a thing about success. I see other people killing it with their work online and have a hard time getting past the old: "But hey! What about The Louise Log?"
For better or for worse, I'm competitive. And in spite of my attempts to tamp this monster down, it seems to be a part of who I am. Massive recognition and financial compensation continue to be two of the elusive markers of success I really (really) want. *
So, naturally, I was grousing about this the other day in a room full of people and a financial adviser, who's friends with friends of mine, heard me. She took me aside and practically stabbed me in the chest with her pointing finger.
"Anne! You have great wealth! You have emotional wealth! Passion! I advise very wealthy people. And a lot of them spend a great deal of money on very expensive vacations, traveling the world trying to feel passion. Trying to feel! You already have this, in every hour of every day!"
Hearing this hit me like a rogue wave, but in a good way. It turned everything around. And it made me feel grateful and made me see my situation in a new light. I am successful. I LOVE my life! I'm doing what I want to be doing and even finding like-minded people online who follow what I'm doing. I'm one of the lucky ones.
*Spice Girls!
On set of The Louise Log #34 with Jennifer Sklias-Gahan