There's not that much to blog about when you spend your day shuttling between your desk and your bed. Here goes.
After getting notes from Mr. Green at 10:30 last night, I plowed through a draft and sent it off to Mr. Hoffman at 2:17 this morning. Mr. Hoffman awoke me at 9:30 AM with notes and I spent the day rewriting. At around 4:15 PM I emailed a new draft to both Green and Hoffman and collapsed into a one hour nap.
IMHO the drafts are getting better each time. Green and Hoffman are a dream writing team. They're very smart so it's incredibly fun working with them. (This from someone who for decades considered writing a solitary activity.) I can't help but think the loving energy you're sending my way is making it all so easy.
Waiting for more notes, I've been working on the first of several little videos from my January visit to the wonderful Dr. Rakesh Kumar, a Vedic Astrologer. For breaks am listening to Christina Aguilera singing Genie in a Bottle and Britney Spears singing Hit Me Baby One More Time. Totally rocking out ha ha. (Actually I am).
Dr. Rakesh Kumar of the Ishwar Center in Jackson Heights, Queens