You might wonder why, after eight years, we’re only now coming out with a trailer (see below if you've somehow managed to miss it).
I know it’s a burning question and though there’s a long answer, here’s the short answer which is actually not very short.
The main reason we’ve made this Official Trailer is to get The Louise Log out to a wider audience on a new platform, Vimeo.
A second reason is that, with the show’s ‘loose ends’, it’s an attempt to resolve some of them for new viewers. By ‘loose ends’ I mean, for example, the way actors playing lead characters change with alarming frequency. Though sometimes we ‘explained’ the switch … what the heck ever happened to ‘Ava’s husband’ the French Phineas??
And though even if the trailer doesn’t resolve these issues, it at least lays them out at such breakneck speed that maybe you won’t notice.
There’s also a third reason. Remember that pilot Mr. Green, William M. Hoffman and I wrote which missed the Sundance Episodic Lab by a HAIR? Well, guess what, it involves The Louise Log. And in the near future, we’re going to be pitching it to television as a Fake Reality Show. *
Naturally, I hadn’t imagined, in my wildest dreams, that ‘getting into the room’ to do the darn pitch would be as big a challenge as everything else in life but very shortly that will become my main job. That and making some really fun Go Big or Go Bust sketch videos starring yours truly.
Thank you for reading. And if you want to click the 'Like' button, leave a comment, or write to tell me how to get through to a showrunner, an agent or a powerful television executive, please don’t hesitate. My email is
*Thank you for this term, Julia Wrona!
l to r Kira Josefsson (hiding)(not really), me, Jyn Van Putten, Morgan Hallett, Everett Quinton, Chris Leone photo by Karen Sanderson