Time for some postcards! We've been in this extremely charming small city, in the south on the South Island of New Zealand for a week. There's a chill in the air, it's winter after all, which smells of a mixture of coal and wood smoke and a feeling of sophistication and creativity. Some of the cafés would give the best of Greenwich Village a run for their money. Dunedin seemed destined to be the big city of New Zealand in the 1800's when gold was found around here which explains the grand architecture of most of the public buildings. And, fun fact, Dunedin is Gaelic for Edinburgh! I've heard that the plan of the city of Edinburgh was duplicated and laid out over the hills and valleys here, regardless of the topography. One of the streets, Baldwin Street is the steepest street in the world! It's near and similar to one shown below but I missed it. Rushing today as the children have us on a forced march. More tomorrow!
We took a walk up George Street to North East Valley.
Schoolgirls fill North Street in plaid skirts after school, some of them only in stocking feet. Barefoot in New Zealand is a whole other blog post.
This is just down (or up) North Road from the 'steepest street in the world'. It looks very much like this one, promise.
Sheep graze on these hills within the city limits.
New Zealanders plant trees in the most gorgeous arrangements, all over the cities and countryside.
The train station in Dunedin
The Everyday Gourmet, a haven with wonderful food and a most welcoming staff.
The Everyday Gourmet on George Street, our favorite café. The name of their internet is 'Everday Whoremet'.
On the Octagon in the center of downtown.