Neil Kramer

Go Big or Go Bust: Day 80 (Listen To Your Mother)

So what if I'm in a modified panic about this pilot? 

How was I not going to go to see collaborator Ann Imig and some of my favorite humorists from the blogosphere (Alexandra Rosas, Wendi Aarons, Marinka NYC ... more below) who came from as far away as Austin, TX and Wisconsin for this book launch.  (Click on the first three links above for more about the phenomenon of Listen To Your Mother which is taking the country by storm.)

Too bad that while I was out we had to have a water main break at 7th and 13th Street.  The return from a somewhat-too-long-break turned into a whole evening AWOL from my desk so I will be brief. 

(FYI, this book would make a great Mother's Day present... )

Getting up my nerve before going into the standing-room-only celebration of these terrific writers' book party.

Getting up my nerve before going into the standing-room-only celebration of these terrific writers' book party.

l to r: Holly Rosen Fink, Ann Imig Founder/National Director of Listen To Your Mother show

l to r: Holly Rosen Fink, Ann Imig Founder/National Director of Listen To Your Mother show

Alexandra Rosas and Neil Kramer (aka Neilochka)

Alexandra Rosas and Neil Kramer (aka Neilochka)

Wendi Aarons

Wendi Aarons

Kathy Kate Mayer

Kathy Kate Mayer

Patty Chang Anker

Patty Chang Anker

l to r  Helen Brickfield,  Kathy Kate Mayer, Barb Patrick and Tara Kortze

l to r  Helen Brickfield,  Kathy Kate Mayer, Barb Patrick and Tara Kortze