To quote the old Firestone tire ad, it's that time for The Louise Log where-the-rubber-meets-the-road. Dr. Kumar said that this show "could become a craze". Not being from the big marketers, I'm getting some help to try to make the 'could' in his prediction a firm 'will'. We're in the last stages of preparing to get this web series out in front of a much bigger audience.
And I need your ideas. Ideas of names.
Some little shows have become huge with the help of a person with a big following who discovers, falls in love with and starts talking about a show. If you have a suggestion of one or more of these high-profile 'influencers' who you think might fall in love with and plug The Louise Log, please send them to me at or leave them in the comments. If you have ideas of how best to reach these people, I'll be all ears.
I thank you in advance. Really. And truly. THANK YOU.
My vision of which influential people to approach to plug The Louise Log. "Foggy"