
Go Big or Go Bust: Day 77 (update on the pilot script, surrender and cow bells)

I'm not sure if you know me well enough to know that I'm willful.  I'm headstrong!  (all the while giving the impression that I'm submissive and docile...  ahem..) 

Anyway the really surprising thing about this whole Episodic Lab submission is that I had pretty much decided that I'm very happy with the small scale, home movie-style operation of web series, that I love the (on average) four-minute format.  And that you seem to care about The Louise Log encourages me that others will too when we get it in front of them and so who needs the high stakes pressure of a thirty minute television show?  Not me. 

The only reason I made the initial application to the Lab was because A) this process of getting the word out is so incredibly arduous and B) I knew I'd kick myself if I'd never even tried. 

And so I latched onto that still small voice which insisted: "If, against all odds, you get in, you're supposed to go this route."  This is a victory of a surrender on my part, the unlikelihood of which is hard to overstate.

And so the update of the scramble for having a pilot script ready to submit on April 15:

ON SCHEDULE.  (wild clanging of cow bells) 

I finished the first rough draft last night. Am making changes from one Co-Writer before sending it to the other Co-Writer this afternoon.  I bow to you and thank you for your extremely generous encouragement and for sending your brilliant energy my way.  I'm using it in quantities.